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Stora vida verlden

Stora vida verlden

Albert Bonniers Förlag 1880. Inbunden 370+438 sidor.

Hyggligt skick. Några sidor har släppt från bindningen i bokens början. Bokryggen behöver limmas, eller renoveras.
Elisabeth Wetherell var en pseudonym för Susan Warner (1818-85) född i New York. -
romanförfattarinna, känd under psevdonymen Elizabeth
Wetherell. f. i New York 1819 (ej 1818), d. 1885,
skref i känslofull och religiöst uppfostrande anda,
med varm blick för hemlifvet, åtskilliga romaner,
bl. a. The wide^ wide world (1849; »Den stora, vida
verlden», 1853, ny uppl. 1880), hvilken näst efter fru
Beecher-Stowes »Onkel Torns stuga» anses vara den mest
allmänt omtyckta amerikanska roman, Queechy (1852;
svensk öfvers. 1856) och The hills oj- the Shatemuc
(1856; »Shatemucs höjder», 1858). Med sin syster Anna
Bar ti ett W. (f. 1820) skref hon Say and seal (1860)
jämte åtskilliga större berättelser, som öfversatts
till svenska.

Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations.

Psalm xc, i


If ever this book is printed and read, at two things,
I doubt not some people will wonder. First, at our
strange, exceptional life, and then that I should be
willing to tell it so freely.

I was not willing. I am by nature a terribly secretive
person, and it goes hard with me to tell anybody what
is nobody's business. Furthermore, our home life
was so unendingly precious, that it hurts me to have
it gazed at by cold and careless eyes ; this also is true.

But a faithful chronicler must not please himself.
I could not truly set forth my sister's character, without
giving the surroundings among which it took shape
and strength.

For the rest, I have no call to be sensitive. New
England blood is never ashamed of any work that
ought to be done ; and no believer has cause to cover
his face, in any spot where his dear Lord sees fit to
bid him dwell ; for work, for service, or for the mere
polishing attrition.

A. B. W.
West Point, N. Y., April, igog.

My love, they want me to tell about you; and -if I can,
I must. They write me from England and America that
back of such books as yours there must be a faith worth
hearing about, a life that should be told. And I, know-
ing how utterly true that is, know too how hard the work
will be, how difficult to do aright. Who can describe
my darling as I saw her ? But I must try.

If I seem to quote a great deal from the old letters,
it is partly because there is no one now living in this
world who can answer my questions or tell me anything
about those early times at home. And the letters are
sure to be correct.

So also, her own journals give far better than any words
of mine the growth of the young life, and the atmosphere
in which it grew. I have tried to put in nothing irrele-
vant; but with everything so interesting to me, it was often
hard to choose.


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